Tinto de Negroni Twist

This Tinto de Negroni Twist is a delightful low-ABV variation of the classic Negroni cocktail. With the rich flavors of Cabernet Sauvignon, the bitterness of Campari and Fernet Branca, and the subtle citrus notes from orange bitters, this cocktail offers a balanced and refreshing experience. Perfect for those looking for a lighter alternative without compromising on taste.

Tinto de Negroni Twist

A delightful low-ABV twist on the classic Negroni cocktail, featuring Cabernet Sauvignon, Campari, Fernet Branca, and a hint of orange bitters for balance.

4.51 from 84 votes


  • 1 1/4 oz. Cabernet Sauvignon
  • 1 oz. Campari
  • 1/4 oz. Fernet Branca
  • 2 dashes orange bitters
  • Ice


  1. Fill a mixing glass with ice.
  2. Pour in Cabernet Sauvignon, Campari, Fernet Branca, and add the orange bitters.
  3. Stir the mixture until it is well chilled.
  4. Strain the cocktail over a large ice cube in a glass.
  5. Garnish as desired.